Mount Larcom State School and Secondary Department is committed to our strategic vision - We Seek Higher Things. This encourages our students and teachers to continually set goals and strive to meet their potential. Underpinning our strategic vision is Mount Larcom's High Five core values - Be Safe and Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Successful, Be Honest and Be Friendly. In order to grow and enhance our values our Secondary students are awarded Champion Points for Resilience, Optimism, Attitude and Respect. Our Primary students study the You Can Do It Program and receive reward points.
We have a very dedicated staff who work above and beyond to help students achieve success. Our curriculum fully aligns with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA) and C2C ensuring that our teaching, learning, assessment and reporting are fully aligned. We provide high quality education that assists students to love learning, develop judgement and a sense of responsibility by understanding the past and preparing to embrace the future. We value respectful, open and supportive relationships between students, teachers and parents/caregivers.
Our Primary and Secondary Departments are run separately in order to ensure that there are equal opportunities for the development of leadership and pathways are strong.
Mount Larcom State School and Secondary Department’s core
subjects include: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Civics and
HPE. Commencing in 2017 the Year 8, 9 and 10 students will be offered four
Major Elective subjects to further support students in a career pathway. These will include: Agriculture, The Arts,
Manual Arts/Graphics, and Business/Economics (incorporating Extension ICT).
Three lessons have been allocated to these subjects per week. Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 will also be
offered a choice of minor electives which they would like to be part of for two
lessons a week each term. These include
Home Economics, Agricultural Studies, The Arts, Graphics, Woodwork, Metalwork,
ICT’s, Economics and Business. Students may do the same minor all year or for
two or three terms. Our Year 7 program enables our students to participate in
each elective so that they can make informed choices.
Our Year 9 and 10 students will participate in week long
block work experience and our Year 10 students will participate in work
experience one day a week thanks to our partnership with EQIP. These programs have been developed in order
to fully support our students in developing strong and clear pathways to the
career of their choice.
Mount Larcom State School and Secondary Department is proud
to be an Accredited School of Excellence in Agriculture. Year 3 to 6 students and our Secondary
students are given the opportunity to be actively involved in various aspects
of Agriculture including working with cattle, sheep, horses, chickens, alpacas
and aquaculture, vegetable gardens and cropping.
Our school has developed strong partnerships with Emerald
Agriculture College, CQ University, Trade Link Centre, EQIP and Doorways to
Civil Construction with a view of fully supporting our students with a choice
of direct pathways.
The core business of the school is to fully prepare students
so that they can be active, reflective, successful and well-rounded Australian
citizens who are ready to take on the many challenges of the future and to meet
the needs of different students in their pursuit of high levels of educational
attainment and careers.
Our programs have been developed and are implemented based upon the understanding that parents and staff are working together with students as the main focus. If at any time you feel that this partnership is not working, I would encourage you to contact the school to discuss the situation.